Trending Research

An SPH formulation for general plate and shell structures with finite deformation and large rotation

Xiangyu-Hu/SPHinXsys 6 Sep 2023

To resolve the geometric non-linearity and capture finite deformation and large rotation, two reduced-dimensional linear-reproducing correction matrices are introduced, and weighted non-singularity conversions between the rotation angle and pseudo normal are formulated.

Numerical Analysis Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science Numerical Analysis

0.08 stars / hour

Preconditioned Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient Method for Real-time Interior-point Hyperelasticity

Xingbaji/PNCG_IPC 6 May 2024

Furthermore, we simplify and accelerate the computations of Jacobi preconditioning and Hessian-vector product for hyperelasticity and barrier function.

Optimization and Control Graphics

0.05 stars / hour

acados: a modular open-source framework for fast embedded optimal control

acados/acados 30 Oct 2019

The acados software package is a collection of solvers for fast embedded optimization, intended for fast embedded applications.

Optimization and Control

0.04 stars / hour

Implementing Hadamard Matrices in SageMath

sagemath/sage 29 Jun 2023

The Hadamard conjecture states that Hadamard matrices of order $n$ exist whenever $n$ is $1$, $2$, or a multiple of $4$.


0.04 stars / hour

Diffusion Geometry

Iolo-Jones/DiffusionGeometry 17 May 2024

We construct statistical estimators for these objects from a sample of data, and so introduce a whole family of new methods for geometric data analysis and computational geometry.

Metric Geometry Algebraic Topology

0.04 stars / hour

Gromov-Wasserstein Distances between Gaussian Distributions

MaximeVandegar/Papers-in-100-Lines-of-Code 16 Apr 2021

We also study the problem without restriction on the optimal plan, and provide lower and upper bounds for the value of the Gromov-Wasserstein distance between Gaussian distributions.


0.03 stars / hour

Optimistix: modular optimisation in JAX and Equinox

patrick-kidger/optimistix 15 Feb 2024

We introduce Optimistix: a nonlinear optimisation library built in JAX and Equinox.

Optimization and Control Mathematical Software

0.03 stars / hour

Optimization-Based Autonomous Racing of 1:43 Scale RC Cars

alexliniger/MPCC 20 Nov 2017

This paper describes autonomous racing of RC race cars based on mathematical optimization.

Optimization and Control Robotics Systems and Control

0.03 stars / hour

PySINDy: A Python package for the Sparse Identification of Nonlinear Dynamics from Data

dynamicslab/pysindy 17 Apr 2020

PySINDy is a Python package for the discovery of governing dynamical systems models from data.

Dynamical Systems Computational Physics

0.03 stars / hour

Multilevel domain decomposition-based architectures for physics-informed neural networks

benmoseley/FBPINNs 8 Jun 2023

Our numerical results show that the proposed multilevel FBPINNs consistently and significantly outperform PINNs across a range of problems with high frequency and multi-scale solutions.

Numerical Analysis Numerical Analysis

0.03 stars / hour