To resolve the geometric non-linearity and capture finite deformation and large rotation, two reduced-dimensional linear-reproducing correction matrices are introduced, and weighted non-singularity conversions between the rotation angle and pseudo normal are formulated.
Numerical Analysis Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science Numerical Analysis
Furthermore, we simplify and accelerate the computations of Jacobi preconditioning and Hessian-vector product for hyperelasticity and barrier function.
Optimization and Control Graphics
The acados software package is a collection of solvers for fast embedded optimization, intended for fast embedded applications.
Optimization and Control
The Hadamard conjecture states that Hadamard matrices of order $n$ exist whenever $n$ is $1$, $2$, or a multiple of $4$.
We construct statistical estimators for these objects from a sample of data, and so introduce a whole family of new methods for geometric data analysis and computational geometry.
Metric Geometry Algebraic Topology
We also study the problem without restriction on the optimal plan, and provide lower and upper bounds for the value of the Gromov-Wasserstein distance between Gaussian distributions.
We introduce Optimistix: a nonlinear optimisation library built in JAX and Equinox.
Optimization and Control Mathematical Software
This paper describes autonomous racing of RC race cars based on mathematical optimization.
Optimization and Control Robotics Systems and Control
PySINDy is a Python package for the discovery of governing dynamical systems models from data.
Dynamical Systems Computational Physics
Our numerical results show that the proposed multilevel FBPINNs consistently and significantly outperform PINNs across a range of problems with high frequency and multi-scale solutions.
Numerical Analysis Numerical Analysis