Universal Average-Case Optimality of Polyak Momentum

d2l-ai/d2l-en 19 Aug 2020

Polyak momentum (PM), also known as the heavy-ball method, is a widely used optimization method that enjoys an asymptotic optimal worst-case complexity on quadratic objectives.

Optimization and Control

Meta-learners for Estimating Heterogeneous Treatment Effects using Machine Learning

uber/causalml 12 Jun 2017

There is growing interest in estimating and analyzing heterogeneous treatment effects in experimental and observational studies.

Statistics Theory Methodology Statistics Theory

Solving N-player dynamic routing games with congestion: a mean field approach

deepmind/open_spiel AAMAS 2021

The recent emergence of navigational tools has changed traffic patterns and has now enabled new types of congestion-aware routing control like dynamic road pricing.

Dynamical Systems Systems and Control Systems and Control Optimization and Control

A Wasserstein-type distance in the space of Gaussian Mixture Models

rflamary/POT 11 Jun 2020

In this paper we introduce a Wasserstein-type distance on the set of Gaussian mixture models.

Optimization and Control

Computing in Operations Research using Julia

jump-dev/jump.jl 5 Dec 2013

The state of numerical computing is currently characterized by a divide between highly efficient yet typically cumbersome low-level languages such as C, C++, and Fortran and highly expressive yet typically slow high-level languages such as Python and MATLAB.

Optimization and Control Numerical Analysis Programming Languages

Convex optimization

cvxgrp/cvxpylayers 3 Jun 2021

First of all, the authors focused on the program of a two-semester course of lectures on convex optimization, which is given to students of MIPT.

Optimization and Control Numerical Analysis Numerical Analysis 65-01, 90-01, 65K05, 90C30, 90C90 G.1.6

Differentiating through Log-Log Convex Programs

cvxgrp/cvxpylayers 27 Apr 2020

We use the adjoint of the derivative to implement differentiable log-log convex optimization layers in PyTorch and TensorFlow.

Optimization and Control

Implementing Hadamard Matrices in SageMath

sagemath/sage 29 Jun 2023

The Hadamard conjecture states that Hadamard matrices of order $n$ exist whenever $n$ is $1$, $2$, or a multiple of $4$.


PySINDy: A Python package for the Sparse Identification of Nonlinear Dynamics from Data

dynamicslab/pysindy 17 Apr 2020

PySINDy is a Python package for the discovery of governing dynamical systems models from data.

Dynamical Systems Computational Physics

Optimization-Based Autonomous Racing of 1:43 Scale RC Cars

alexliniger/MPCC 20 Nov 2017

This paper describes autonomous racing of RC race cars based on mathematical optimization.

Optimization and Control Robotics Systems and Control