Structured Prediction

Conditional Random Field

Conditional Random Fields or CRFs are a type of probabilistic graph model that take neighboring sample context into account for tasks like classification. Prediction is modeled as a graphical model, which implements dependencies between the predictions. Graph choice depends on the application, for example linear chain CRFs are popular in natural language processing, whereas in image-based tasks, the graph would connect to neighboring locations in an image to enforce that they have similar predictions.

Image Credit: Charles Sutton and Andrew McCallum, An Introduction to Conditional Random Fields


Paper Code Results Date Stars


Task Papers Share
Semantic Segmentation 99 11.02%
Named Entity Recognition (NER) 64 7.13%
NER 44 4.90%
Image Segmentation 37 4.12%
Sentence 30 3.34%
General Classification 23 2.56%
Object Detection 18 2.00%
Part-Of-Speech Tagging 17 1.89%
Language Modelling 13 1.45%


Component Type
🤖 No Components Found You can add them if they exist; e.g. Mask R-CNN uses RoIAlign
