Activation Functions

Adaptive Richard's Curve Weighted Activation

Introduced by Patwardhan et al. in ARiA: Utilizing Richard's Curve for Controlling the Non-monotonicity of the Activation Function in Deep Neural Nets

This work introduces a novel activation unit that can be efficiently employed in deep neural nets (DNNs) and performs significantly better than the traditional Rectified Linear Units (ReLU). The function developed is a two parameter version of the specialized Richard's Curve and we call it Adaptive Richard's Curve weighted Activation (ARiA). This function is non-monotonous, analogous to the newly introduced Swish, however allows a precise control over its non-monotonous convexity by varying the hyper-parameters. We first demonstrate the mathematical significance of the two parameter ARiA followed by its application to benchmark problems such as MNIST, CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100, where we compare the performance with ReLU and Swish units. Our results illustrate a significantly superior performance on all these datasets, making ARiA a potential replacement for ReLU and other activations in DNNs.

Source: ARiA: Utilizing Richard's Curve for Controlling the Non-monotonicity of the Activation Function in Deep Neural Nets


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Task Papers Share
Benchmarking 2 11.76%
3D Object Detection 2 11.76%
Language Modelling 2 11.76%
Object Detection 2 11.76%
Misinformation 1 5.88%
3D Reconstruction 1 5.88%
Decoder 1 5.88%
Translation 1 5.88%
Federated Learning 1 5.88%


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