Semi-classical Solutions For Fractional Schrodinger Equations With Potential Vanishing At Infinity

29 Nov 2017  ·  An Xiaoming, Peng Shuangjie, Xie Chaodong ·

We study the following fractional Schr\"{o}dinger equation \begin{equation}\label{eq0.1} \varepsilon^{2s}(-\Delta)^s u + Vu = |u|^{p - 2}u,\ \ x\in\,\,\mathbb{R}^N. \end{equation} We show that if the external potential $V\in C(\mathbb{R}^N;[0,\infty))$ has a local minimum and $p\in (2 + 2s/(N - 2s), 2^*_s)$, where $2^*_s=2N/(N-2s),\,N\ge 2s$, the problem has a family of solutions concentrating at the local minimum of $V$ provided that $\liminf_{|x|\to \infty}V(x)|x|^{2s} > 0$. The proof is based on variational methods and penalized technique. {\textbf {Key words}: } fractional Schr\"{o}dinger; vanishing potential; penalized technique; variational methods.

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