Introducing the quadratically-constrained quadratic programming framework in HPIPM

22 Dec 2021  ·  Gianluca Frison, Jonathan Frey, Florian Messerer, Andrea Zanelli, Moritz Diehl ·

This paper introduces the quadratically-constrained quadratic programming (QCQP) framework recently added in HPIPM alongside the original quadratic-programming (QP) framework. The aim of the new framework is unchanged, namely providing the building blocks to efficiently and reliably solve (more general classes of) optimal control problems (OCP). The newly introduced QCQP framework provides full features parity with the original QP framework: three types of QCQPs (dense, optimal control and tree-structured optimal control QCQPs) and interior point method (IPM) solvers as well as (partial) condensing and other pre-processing routines. Leveraging the modular structure of HPIPM, the new QCQP framework builds on the QP building blocks and similarly provides fast and reliable IPM solvers.

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Optimization and Control Systems and Control Systems and Control