Introducing and Applying S.C.E Model under Dusart's Inequality to Prove Goldbach's Strong Conjecture for 72 typical structures out of all 75 structural types of Even Numbers

29 Sep 2019  ·  Mohammadi Aref Zadehgol, Kolahdouz Mohsen ·

In this paper, we present a relative proof for Goldbach's strong conjecture. To this end, we first present a heuristic model for representing even numbers called Semi-continuous Model for Even Numbers or briefly S.C.E Model, and then by using this model we categorize all even numbers into 75 distinct typical structures. Also in this direction, we employ this model along with the following inequality to obtain the relative proof $$\frac{x}{\ln x}\leq_{x\geq 17}\pi(x)\leq_{x>1}1.2251\frac{x}{\ln x}\ ,$$ where $\pi(x)$ denotes the number of all primes smaller than and equal to $x$. This inequality is presented by Pierre Dusart in his paper [P. Dusart, \textit{Explicit estimates of some functions over primes}, Ramanujan J. \textbf{45} (2016), No. 1, 227--251]. In fact, by relative proof we mean that 72 typical structures out of 75 ones satisfy Goldbach's strong conjecture.

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