Computing Direct Sum Decompositions

27 Dec 2024  ·  Devlin Mallory, Mahrud Sayrafi ·

The problems of finding isomorphism classes of indecomposable modules with certain properties, or determining the indecomposable summands of a module, are ubiquitous in commutative algebra, group theory, representation theory, and other fields. The purpose of this work is to describe and prove correctness of a practical algorithm for computing indecomposable summands of finitely generated modules over a finitely generated k-algebra, for k a field of positive characteristic. Our algorithm works over multigraded rings, which enables the computation of indecomposable summands of coherent sheaves on subvarieties of toric varieties (in particular, for varieties embedded in projective space). We also present multiple examples, including some which present previously unknown phenomena regarding the behavior of summands of Frobenius pushforwards and syzygies over Artinian rings.

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Commutative Algebra Algebraic Geometry 16D70, 14F06, 13A35