A wrapped Fukaya category of knot complement

13 Mar 2019  ·  Bae Youngjin, Kim Seonhwa, Oh Yong-Geun ·

This is the first of a series of two articles where we construct a version of wrapped Fukaya category $\mathcal W\mathcal F(M\setminus K;H_{g_0})$ of the cotangent bundle $T^*(M \setminus K)$ of the knot complement $M \setminus K$ of a compact 3-manifold $M$, and do some calculation for the case of hyperbolic knots $K \subset M$. For the construction, we use the wrapping induced by the kinetic energy Hamiltonian $H_{g_0}$ associated to the cylindrical adjustment $g_0$ on $M \setminus K$ of a smooth metric $g$ defined on $M$. We then consider the torus $T = \partial N(K)$ as an object in this category and its wrapped Floer complex $CW^*(\nu^*T;H_{g_0})$ where $N(K)$ is a tubular neighborhood of $K \subset M$. We prove that the quasi-equivalence class of the category and the quasi-isomorphism class of the $A_\infty$ algebra $CW^*(\nu^*T;H_{g_0})$ are independent of the choice of cylindrical adjustments of such metrics depending only on the isotopy class of the knot $K$ in $M$. In a sequel [BKO], we give constructions of a wrapped Fukaya category $\mathcal W\mathcal F(M\setminus K;H_h)$ for hyperbolic knot $K$ and of $A_\infty$ algebra $CW^*(\nu^*T;H_h)$ directly using the hyperbolic metric $h$ on $M \setminus K$, and prove a formality result for the asymptotic boundary of $(M \setminus K, h)$.

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