A Constructive Approach to Zauner's Conjecture via the Stark Conjectures

7 Jan 2025  ·  Marcus Appleby, Steven T Flammia, Gene S Kopp ·

We propose a construction of $d^2$ complex equiangular lines in $\mathbb{C}^d$, also known as SICPOVMs, which were conjectured by Zauner to exist for all d. The construction gives a putatively complete list of SICs with Weyl-Heisenberg symmetry in all dimensions d > 3. Specifically, we give an explicit expression for an object that we call a ghost SIC, which is constructed from the real multiplication values of a special function and which is Galois conjugate to a SIC. The special function, the Shintani-Faddeev modular cocycle, is a tuple of meromorphic functions indexed by a congruence subgroup of $\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z})$. We prove that our construction gives a valid SIC in every case assuming two conjectures: the order 1 abelian Stark conjecture for real quadratic fields and a special value identity for the Shintani-Faddeev modular cocycle. The former allows us to prove that the ghost and the SIC are Galois conjugate over an extension of $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{\Delta})$ where $\Delta = (d+1)(d-3)$, while the latter allows us to prove idempotency of the presumptive fiducial projector. We provide computational tests of our SIC construction by cross-validating it with known exact solutions, with the numerical work of Scott and Grassl, and by constructing four numerical examples of inequivalent SICs in d=100, three of which are new. We further consider rank-r generalizations called r-SICs given by equichordal configurations of r-dimensional complex subspaces. We give similar conditional constructions for r-SICs for all r, d such that r(d-r) divides $(d^2-1)$. Finally, we study the structure of the field extensions conjecturally generated by the r-SICs. If $K$ is any real quadratic field, then either every abelian Galois extension of $K$, or else every abelian extension for which 2 is unramified, is generated by our construction; the former holds for a positive density of field discriminants.

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Number Theory Combinatorics Metric Geometry Quantum Physics