Consequently, benchmarking studies using the seminal AC Optimal Power Flow (AC-OPF) problem have emerged as the primary method for evaluating these emerging methods.
Optimization and Control
The length-constrained cycle partition problem (LCCP) is a graph optimization problem in which a set of nodes must be partitioned into a minimum number of cycles.
Optimization and Control Discrete Mathematics
We propose a GPU accelerated proximal message passing algorithm for solving contingency-constrained DC optimal power flow problems (OPF).
Optimization and Control
The key contribution is a novel method, based on the alternating direction method of multipliers, for solving the non-convex optimal control problem that arises due to the PWA dynamics.
Optimization and Control Systems and Control Systems and Control
In this paper, we introduce an Abaqus UMAT subroutine for a family of constitutive models for the viscoelastic response of isotropic elastomers of any compressibility -- including fully incompressible elastomers -- undergoing finite deformations.
Numerical Analysis Soft Condensed Matter Numerical Analysis
This tutorial consists of a brief introduction to the modern control approach called model predictive control (MPC) and its numerical implementation using MATLAB.
Optimization and Control
Scalable addressing of high dimensional constrained combinatorial optimization problems is a challenge that arises in several science and engineering disciplines.
Optimization and Control Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing
It guarantees monotonic convergence of the memory-efficient fixed-point iteration for all accretive systems of the form $A = L + V$, where $L$ is an approximation of $A$, and the system is scaled so that the discrepancy is bounded with $\lVert V \rVert<1$.
Numerical Analysis Numerical Analysis Computational Physics 65F08
In this work, we demonstrate that these internal iterations have a significant influence on the computational cost of the coupled simulation.
Numerical Analysis Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science Numerical Analysis
In [3], the linear subproblem associated with each frequency set is solved via an implicit and iterative inversion of the Hessian matrix (inner iterations).
Numerical Analysis Numerical Analysis 34A55, 45Q05, 65L09, 86A22